In an effort to support struggling schools, Dallas ISD is expanding its Accelerating Campus Excellence (ACE) program into six additional elementary schools, one of which is in East Dallas.

ACE was created to improve performance at historically low-performing schools by making sure that an effective teacher taught in every classroom. According to Dallas ISD, Cesar Chavez Learning Center at Ross and Carroll will be one of these schools. The program gives teachers and administration extra stipends to teach. The stipends range from $8,000 to $12,000 depending on the type of staff and their rating on the Teacher Excellence Initiative system, which evaluates teachers based on their performance.

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Other schools that have been designated ACE have seen progress in academic performance, attendance, disciplinary referrals and parent satisfaction. Chavez will be part of ACE 3.0 called “ACE Leadership.” It will focus on college readiness and teacher leadership in addition to academic performance.