Photo by Lillian Juarez

Tuesday, March 12,  four Dallas police officers received written reprimands citing security footage of them laughing at disabled veteran who urinated himself after he was denied restroom entry.

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A written reprimand is a form of discipline delivered to an officer who has violated department policy. The form will become a permanent part of an employee’s City of Dallas file.

According to Dynell Lane, a veteran and Dallas native, an employee of Serious Pizza denied him entry to the restaurant’s bathroom on June 10. When Lane asked two uniformed off-duty Dallas police officers working security for assistance, they also denied him entry. 

According to Lane, the officers refused to check his medical identification records which led him to call 911. 

After Lane vacated Serious Pizza, body camera footage from one of the two on-duty police officers showed them entering the restaurant and approaching the two other off-duty officers who engaged with the veteran. 

“You guys made a guy pee himself?” one of the on-duty officers says as she laughs.

The officers appear to continue laughing about Lane’s 911 call to report the officers.

The four officers were initially dismissed until the investigation was reopened after the body camera footage from an on-duty police office was shared at a Community Police Oversight Board meeting on Feb. 13.

According to The Dallas Morning News, the officers involved will undergo a form of training as a result of the incident. The discipline will not affect their pay or status.