Photo by Sienna Montalvo.

Students from Woodrow Wilson High School gathered at the Santa Fe Trail with paints, brushes and rollers to finish their nature mural paintings on the pillars of the East Grand underpass. A project they had been working on for months, said Sienna Montalvo, co-founder of Community Health Club.

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The murals are brought to life by Woodrow students, volunteers, teachers and members of the Community Health Club, an organization at Woodrow that started the project.

Montalvo said the mural placement was important for environmental awareness to children at nearby schools and other trail-goers.

“What we wanted to do was not just raise awareness for the environment like ‘save the Earth’ We wanted to focus on appreciating the nature, the flora and fauna we have in Dallas and across the Santa Fe Trail,” she said.

Each brightly colored pillar displays a different image. Some are painted with various native florals, plants, animals and insects.

The mural was funded through donations from the neighborhood, Friends of Santa Fe Trail and a $1,500 grant. 

In addition to funding, project equipment was sourced secondhand from Goodwill, these recycled materials included paint brushes and other craft materials.

It was a meaningful project for the students, families and community who regularly use the trail, she adds.

For runners like Kelly Heatly, a Woodrow Wilson alum, the murals are something she looks forward to seeing on her running commute. It also holds sentimental value to know that students from the high school she once attended are still actively engaged in their community.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Saturday, April 13, at 7165 Grand Ave. to welcome the mural to the trail. The ceremony consisted of music, snacks and outdoor activities.