In a matter of hours more than 125,000 people will be flooding the neighborhood for the 37th annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Whether you love it or hate it, the parade brings colorful characters in every shade of green to our doorsteps each March.

We’ve written about the parade many times over the years. Back in 2008 the city enforced some new rules, and that same year Jeff Siegel questioned the parade’s value. It was in peril in 2012, until Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban donated enough money to the Greenville Avenue Area Business Association to produce the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Then again in 2013 the parade tried to reinvent itself, although neighbors were skeptical.

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The best coverage we’ve done of the parade, however, are the photos our talented staff has taken, particularly these photos from 2013 by our head photographer Danny Fulgencio. They definitely showcase how wacky the parade can get. When you’ve clicked through the selection up top, check out the full slideshow on Fulgencio’s Flickr account.

If you want to get in on the action, the procession begins at the Corner of Greenville and Blackwell and ends near SMU Boulevar. Get there early if you want a good parking spot. Go to for more information. The event is free.