As promised, here’s the roundup of East Dallas’ most spooktacular homes, each submitted by our neighbors just in time for Halloween on Thursday.

If we had a prize (which we don’t) for the most spooktacular house, I think it’s pretty safe to say the award would go to Liz Simmons at 714 Newell Ave.

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714 Newell _ Liz's graveyard 1

Simmons calls her lair “Liz’s graveyard,” and she decks it out every year with all kinds of spooks and scares. Y’all have to check this place out on Halloween, regardless of whether or not you have kiddos. If you do, good luck convincing them to brave the monsters and zombies (aka, creep-tastic neighbor kids in full costume) for candy. If I were a kid, I’d pass.

… come to think of it, pretty sure I’d pass as an adult, too.

714 Newell _ Liz's graveyard 2

714 Newell _ Liz's graveyard 3

Simmons says she makes all her decor, and actually, Halloween is only a side-show compared to what she does for Christmas. I half expected something to start grunting and moaning while I was taking pictures. Like the baby-demon-thing in front? What is that thing eating?

As you can imagine, it’s a major accomplishment for the neighbor kids who make it through Liz’s Graveyard on Halloween.

714 Newell _ Liz's graveyard 5

Now, on to the rest…

This house at 6805 Lorna Lane was sporting some serious spook…

6805 Lorna Lane

And just down the road at 6815 Lorna this house was looking pretty creepy-crawly…

6815 Lorna Lane

Plus, don’t miss the cat eyes in the window of a house down the road on Lorna.

Across the lake, this house at 8840 Antrim, looked like the victim a radioactive spider raid…

8840 Antrim Dr

And definitely don’t miss this nightmarish eye-full at 1630 Loree…

1630 Loree Dr

Check out this house in Junius Heights at 6102 Worth…


…which looks even more delightfully disturbing from the porch. Looks like someone already sacrificed himself to appease the swarm of massive spiders, so the coast should be clear for young candy lovers.


Look out for that dark figure on the porch at 5814 Goliad…

5824 Goliad


Does your house look like something out of a Goosebumps book? Think you can beat Simmons’ spooktacular swag? It’s not too late to be a part of the roundup. Just email your address and a picture of your house to, and I’ll add it to the post.