For those of you who might be worried about DART security now, I’m sure there’s way more to the DART Ledbetter station fatal shooting than what has been reported, and anytime someone is shot by a police officer, it’s a tragedy for everyone involved. But I have to wonder: Why is a 15-year-old "special needs" kid hanging around a DART station, by himself, at 3:25 a.m. Sunday morning? The kid’s mom, a 30-year-old with another six-year-old daughter, reports that her dead son had a learning disability and took medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; she also says he would sometimes leave home for days without telling her where he was going. Now I don’t know about you, but there’s something wrong with a picture when a mother doesn’t know where a 15-year-old is for days. I’m not saying the shooting was justified; I’m sure DART and a grand jury and a bunch of attorneys will be making that call. But regardless of that conclusion, I’d say that mom should be taking a good look in the mirror if she wants to see one of the problems…