Every wonder why you see so few bad reviews of Dallas-area restaurants? It’s because the restaurants can be quite vindictive. Consider this, from the current issue of the Observer:

"Guess we pissed off N9NE Group, progenitors of Ghostbar, N9NE Steak House and Nove Italiano plus the upcoming lounge Liquid Sky. Nove’s chef refused to give us details on some of the preparations for the Nove review in this issue. They won’t let us take pictures of the Nove salami. Seems it’s all because of the cover story detailing the great beneficence of Ghostbar atop the W Hotel by Andrea Grimes ("What a VIP Off," March 22) plus "additional remarks and mentions throughout the course of a year by various writers" at the Dallas Observer. More succinctly: "In response to the negative coverage published by [the] Dallas Observer, The N9NE Group has decided not to advertise in or assist [the] Observer in additional reporting of its venues."

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Wish I knew how to be that snotty. But then again, I don’t charge $25 for a hamburger.