Hi blog readers. I just wanted to quickly write something in response to the comments that some of you have left on other posts regarding issues with the blog in particular and the site in general.

We are aware of many of the issues that exist on the site. Please know that we are working to address them as quickly as we can, although certainly not as quickly as we’d like.

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As you continue to leave us comments — and please do, because it’s only with your help that we’re going to make this site and the blog as stellar as we envision it to be — give us a few pertinent pieces of information that will hopefully help, especially as the issues you’re seeing involve loading times and how the site is displaying for you:

• What browser are you using?
• Are you a Mac or Windows person? And which version?
• What kind of connection are you accessing our site from?
• Anything else you feel might be pertinent.

Also, as a kind of social media experiment, I’ve created a Facebook group specifically to address blog issues. It’s called Advocate Back Talkers Talk Back, and I’d be happy if any of you with a Facebook account would join me there and give me feedback. It’s easier to track issues there than through the comments on various blog posts. Here’s the URL.

Or, as always, feel free to contact me the old-fashioned way: kscott@advocatemag.com.

Thanks for the patience and support you’ve all been showing. I promise we’ll get better and smarter about this — it’s just going to take us a little time.