The White Rock Lake Spillway is done. It was less than two years ago that the city started working on it. For many months, runners, walkers and cyclists detoured around the mess. Throughout last summer, daily, I saw the same guys shielding themselves from the rising sun under an umbrella posted along Garland Road, and each morning I wondered, “how will they get any work done?” I always waved — hi, big guy with the long pony tail — and they waved back. Ah, memories.

But they did get it done.

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A couple months ago the trail and bridge reopened, workers applied the finishing touches, and Monday at 10 a.m. City and Park Department officials will gather to dedicate the $16.7 million rebuild. FYI, the first build was completed almost 100 years ago and plans are underway, as I write, for a months-long centennial celebration next year, or so I am told by members of the White Rock Lake Conservancy. After the jump, a roundup of facts about the project. And, look to your forthcoming July Advocate for details about other high-priority projects around White Rock Lake.

White Rock Lake Spillway Renovations Fact Sheet

Project Background

In March 2006, retaining wall failures occurred at the White Rock Lake spillway after a significant rain event. Dallas Water Utilities took immediate action to stabilize the spillway and surrounding structures by constructing temporary repairs. In order to insure public safety, the City and its consultant team performed a detailed investigation and analysis of the spillway. The investigation revealed that many of the spillway structures need to be repaired or replaced. An aesthetic study was also included in the spillway analysis. This study presented conceptual improvements to enhance the safety and beauty of park facilities in the immediate spillway vicinity. Concepts developed in the aesthetic plan were presented to a focus group comprised of approximately 15 stakeholders on two separate occasions. The focus group participants provided beneficial feedback that helped shape the park facility improvement concepts. The consultant, Halff Associates, Inc. provided a detailed design of the structural walls and park features. Dallas Water Utilities and the Dallas Park and Recreation Department approved the design concepts. The project was bid and awarded to the contractor, Rebcon Inc. for $16.7 million.

Project Schedule

Begin Construction – October 2008.

Construction Complete – June 2010.

Proposed Repairs and Improvements

Remove and replace the retaining walls.

Provide architectural treatment for the reconstructed retaining walls. Remove the Garland Road parking lot and expand the Winsted Avenue parking lot.

Replace the existing concrete slope protection along White Rock Creek.

Stabilize the drop structure foundation.

Construct a separated pedestrian and bicycle trail between the pedestrian bridge and the overflow weir for improved trail safety.

Re-grade along the spillway at Garland Road for a safer slope along trail.

Construct promenade area with plazas at trail separations and merges.

Construct three overlook balconies.

Provide landscaping.

Relocate the 30-inch wastewater main below the drop structure.

Construction Facts

There was 12,000 cubic yards of concrete used, about enough to do 429 swimming pools.

There was 1.5 million pounds of rebar, about 60 truckloads. Assuming it was average #5 bar, that’s about 425 miles of rebar laid end to end.

There was over a mile of drill shafts.