Photo courtesy to Merit Coffee Instagram

It’s that time of year again when temperatures drop to a cool breeze, cozy sweaters tucked away in the back closet come out of their shadow to warm us, and a warm coffee mug rests between our chilly hands.

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As we welcome the first day of September, were reminded of how close we are to the fall season.
The colors orange, brown, red, yellow, and brown begin to paint the city of Dallas as the leaves slowly fall, but the one thing missing is coffee.

Here is where we can indulge in fall-inspired coffee around the neighborhood.

Photo courtesy to Merit Coffee Instagram

Merit Coffee coffee shop will be bring back their Harvest Spice Latte, a seasonal favorite at Merit Coffee. A newer popular item coming back this Fall, the Shaken Maple Pecan. This iced coffee combines dark brown sugar, maple, and pecans all into one cup.

“Its like Fall in a cup, in the form of a latte,” Merit Coffee Instagram said.

If people are in the mood for Matcha a new Berry Cobbler Matcha may be a perfect choice for them. The drink is made with warm and toasty homemade brown sugar syrup, sweetened with blackberry syrup swirled up with ceremonial grade matcha.

From Friday to Sunday Merit customers can enjoy Fall seasonal drinks at 20% off.

Photo courtesy to JuJu’s Coffee

JuJu’s Coffee is excited to welcome the cooler weather with The Camper, a smoked maple syrup and cinnamon beverage, and their pumpkin Spice Latte.

Photo courtesy to JuJu’s Coffee Instagram

The company teased its customers with an Instagram story that featured a new menu item, The Spooky Mocha, an activated charcoal salted mocha that captivates the spooky season with its black base color and white coffee art, owner Nick Rocha said. It will be available at JuJu’s Coffee on Monday.

White Rhino is embracing the spirit of fall-inspired coffee with their Campfire Latte, combining chocolate, marshmallow, graham cracker, and nutmeg into one sip. In addition, White Rhino will serve their Chumpkin beverage, a Chai Pumpkin Spiced Latte.

White Rock Coffee pumpkin-infused drinks are back, and its time to sip on their Pumpkin Spice Latte. Other festive drinks include Pumpkin Chai Latte and a Cinderella Latte, a fairytale twist that blends white chocolate and house-made pumpkin to mimic the well-known pumpkin carriage.

But what would the fall season be without a Pumpkin Spice Latte from the one and only Starbucks? The company announced its return of the beloved Pumpkin Spice Latte. Posts from Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, and other social media platform users rejoiced in honor of the national holiday for coffee lovers.