The Wells Fargo Bank Building in Lakewood is for sale.

The Wells Fargo Bank Building in Lakewood is for sale.

Looks like our home base, the Wells Fargo Bank Building at 6301 Gaston @ Abrams, is up for sale as the local investors we profiled a couple of years ago are seeking to cash in on their success with the place.

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Caddo Investments hopes to sell its two Lakewood office towers and three other Uptown buildings the group owns, according to the DMN’s Steve Brown. At least with the Lakewood building, which we’ve occupied for more than 15 years now, they’ve done a great job of taking a stale property and making it nice again. They’ve also worked to make the building accessible to neighborhood groups who need office space for meetings, something out-of-town investors probably wouldn’t spend much time on.

Having dealt with absentee landlords/owners from Boston, San Antonio and Los Angeles owning this building at various times, hopefully another Dallas group will wind up owning this place. Caddo told Brown that if the buildings are successfully marketed, they’re planning to plough the money back into additional Texas real estate investments.