Vapor Dallas 2Vapor Dallas at 9019 Garland, between Old Gate and Emerald Isle in the shopping center with Hypnotic Donuts, opened three weeks ago, and they’ve been “very, very pleased so far,” says Derik Hendrix with Vapor Dallas.

Electronic cigarettes, which uses liquid to create vapor, rather than tobacco to create smoke, is touted as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes for smokers, and/or a way for smokers to wean off cigarettes, says Jill Sparling, also with Vapor Dallas. It still has nicotine, which in and of itself is unhealthy, but it doesn’t contain the tar and thousands of chemicals that traditional cigarettes contain.

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VAPOR DallasAt Vapor Dallas, Sparling says they mix the e-liquid for each customer with FDA approved ingredients and flavoring. Including nicotine in the e-liquid mix is optional, or customers can add large or small amounts, depending on their need.

Hendrix and Sparling said they’ve been surprised with how many people come in every few days, and they’ve also been surprised to find that almost half their customers don’t want nicotine in their e-cig liquid. “A lot of those people have weaned their way down, off nicotine,” Sparling explains. “They just haven’t quite kicked that hand-to-mouth fixation that we smokers have.”

Vapor Dallas 5They’re still working on decorating at Vapor Dallas. They’ve got some couches and other furniture on the way, but they’ve already managed to get some local art on the wall. All of the art is for sale, Hendrix says, and they’re looking for more, for any artists interested. Sparling says they’re considering hosting events or some sort of game night once things get settled.

As far as flavoring goes, Vapor Dallas offers just about anything you could imagine. From traditional flavors, such as cigarette flavors, cigar flavors or pipe tobacco flavors for people trying to wean off any of those habits, to flavors like apple, red hots, cotton candy or peppermint patty. They have dozens of nicotine-free samples available for any curious customers to try.

Check out the website or the Facebook page for more.