Photography by Danny Fulgencio.
The City of Dallas has updated its opening hours for pools and aquatic centers.
These hours, which went into effect July 5, were changed because of staffing shortages.
“While we continue to recruit and train lifeguards to keep up with attrition, recent losses of lifeguards to school commitments, internships and family responsibilities have required us to reduce open swim hours to ensure swimmer safety,” Dallas Aquatics writes in a Facebook post.
Dallas Aquatics is still accepting lifeguard applications and offering trainings. Learn more here.
The schedules were updated for aquatic centers across the city, including at the public pools in East Dallas. The Tietze Park pool is closed Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. And the Samuell-Grand Aquatic Center is closed Tuesdays and Thursdays.
These updated schedules apply just to open swimming hours; other programs such as swim team, water aerobics and other activities will still go on as previously scheduled.