A Back Talk reader wanted to know what we thought about Sunday’s epic story detailing the paper’s admiration for Ray Hunt. Didn’t read it — my stomach has been messed up enough as it is ever since the Trinity vote. But feel free to offer your insight in the comments below.

The reader, incidentally, used a phrase to describe the story that we don’t like to put on the blog. Can’t say I blame him, though, with prose like this: "Over four decades, Mr. Hunt has helped remake Dallas from an estranged American outpost to a cosmopolitan city at the crossroads of commercial and political life."

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Besides, there’s a much more exciting cyber spat going on between News columnist James Ragland and our old pal Michael Davis at Dallas Progress. It’s not news that The News is making kissy face with Ray Hunt. But this stuff?  It’s almost as much fun to read as when the intrepid journalists at plastic surgery’s favorite magazine make fun of me.