Phase 2 of the Tietze Park master plan is underway, and updates including a perimeter walking path are expected to be complete by August or September.

Here’s what’s happening. First, the parkĀ  probably seems like it’s getting more work than it really is because of all the construction fencing. But the temporary fences are up mostly to protect tree roots from heavy equipment.

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We don't want a backhoe running over this 100-year-old live oak's roots.

The perimeter walking path is exactly one-half mile, says Friends of Tietze Park president Lisa Marshall.

The Friends of Tietze Park is paying for a shade structure for the kids’ playground. That costs about $10,000.

Maybe not the most inviting place to play when it's 100 degrees

The friends also are paying for a permanent screen for the portable toilets.

Let's hide these.

The park also is getting new trash cans, benches and a water fountain. Updates including the path cost $254,808, which is being paid for with 2006 bond money. Many of the extras, such as the playground shade structures, are being paid for with funds from engraved bricks, which the Friends of Tietze Park have been selling to local businesses and community members over the past three years. Those bricks should be in place by the end of August, Marshall says.