Neighborhood resident Travis Hopper and his business partner, Brian Owens, helped create the Pin Point Heritage Museum in Georgia. Their story is featured in the October Advocate.

When I interviewed him at his home in the Lochwood neighborhood, Hopper gave me a copy of the DVD his company, O&H Brand Design, produced. “Take Me to the Water, The Story of Pin Point” was directed by Preston Hollow resident Jeff Bednarz, whom we also have written about here.

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The 30-minute film won the Charleston International Film Festival in April, and it’s an amazing little flick. It contains heartfelt interviews, good music, good editing and beautiful photography. But maybe the most impressive thing is that notably silent Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who was born and raised in Pin Point, gives a very insightful interview.

I can’t find the film for sale online anywhere, but here is the trailer:


By the way, Hopper also is the singer for the local indie rock band Elkhart.