The Dallas Housing Authority plans to help chronically homeless and formerly incarcerated people through new initiatives that include treatment services and housing subsidies within existing apartment complexes, some in the East Dallas area.

A spokesperson for the DHA told the Morning News that, while the initiative planning is in the early stages, “the housing authority has chosen five property owners and social service providers to receive federal funding for the project … next, it will negotiate contracts and residents would probably move in near the end of the year”.

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The Vickery Meadows area is home to a “supportive housing” complex similar to those being planned. The president of the Vickery Meadow Improvement Association tells the News that the complex has not caused any problems and has been maintained well.

We learned a while back that Vickery Meadow is Dallas’ top crime hotspot, and that crimes are occurring mostly within apartment complexes. So the fact that the complex with the supportive housing is doing so well might indicate that it’s a relatively positive operation.

The councilman in the Lake Highlands area, which will get supportive housing in two of its apartment communities, thinks his district should work with the new programs but demand accountability. Some of the folks who live there, however, have voiced concern.

East Dallas will see more supportive housing in the Vickery Meadows area as well as at a complex in Ferguson.