Jupiter Bowl started closing this week, and here is a nice nostalgia piece about the 62-year-old lanes from Roy Appleton at the DMN.

Another cool old bowling alley, Big Town Lanes in Mesquite, closed in December.

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The Dallas Children’s Theater reused the old Don Carter’s Allstar Lanes for awesome new digs that add culture and vitality to the neighborhood.  But now, where to bowl in East Dallas?

We haven’t heard much lately about plans for a Brooklyn Bowl-style joint in Deep Ellum, but that sounds pretty cool. Maybe if that takes off, we could get a table tennis club too.

The International Bowling Museum and Hall of Fame relocated recently from downtown St. Louis to Arlington, which is also home to the “luxury lanes and dinner lounge” Splitsville.

All that’s fine and good. But what I’m looking for in a bowling alley is cheap beer and oily lanes, ever-so-slightly grooved by decades of rolling balls, ya know? The kind of place with a little soul, in the vein of the bygone Hollywood Star Lanes. It’s unfotrunate that kind of place is becoming so scarce.