A thief pulled off a holiday heist last week when he stole two inflatable Santa Clauses from a front porch in Junius Heights.

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Candy Richerson posted surveillance footage Nov. 30 on Facebook that showed an individual walk up to her fully lit porch and unplug the inflatables. He is then seen pulling the 6-foot yard decorations away from the house.

In the true spirit of Christmas, Richerson didn’t let the theft diminish her holiday cheer. The next day, she went to Home Depot and bought more inflatable Santas. And some cable locks.

“Who knew you had to lock your Santas to the tree, the porch bench and the porch railing,” she wrote Dec. 1 in a Facebook post.

Richerson told Dallas’ NBC affiliate that she reported the incident to police, but no arrest had been made as of Monday. Although the thief remains unidentified, Santa sees you, sir.