A friend called me yesterday afternoon and said he had an extra ticket to the Sammy Hagar concert at the Lakewood Theater. He is a huge Hagar fan and has mentioned to me numerous times what a great live performance he puts forth. I was a bit skeptical, but let me tell me, Sammy Hagar knows how to entertain. It was loud, it was crowded and it was fun. The intimacy of the Lakewood Theater made the concert seem more like a party than a staged event. I knew about half of the Hagar songs he sang with the Wabos, but the real highlight was the handful of "Van Hagar" songs they sang with the equally entertaining former Van Halen bassist, Michael Anthony.

Hagar and Anthony are in their 50’s (Hagar actually just turned 60 2 weeks ago), but they looked, sang, played and ran around the stage like they were 25 and that is what made their concert/party so enjoyable. They looked they were having a blast which helped feed the energy to the fans. Speaking of the fans, it was an interesting crowd. My guess is 90% of the people were 40 plus years of age or at least getting close to 40. The crowd, which was loud, mostly intoxicated and primarily male, were very well behaved.

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For those fans or possible converts like me, Hagar & the Wabos along with Michael Anthony will be playing again at the Lakewood Theater tonight, although it is promoted as being sold out. The concert started at 8:30ish and ended around 10:30pm. For old people like me (and I guess Hagar himself) it was perfect since we all made it to bed at a decent hour.