At 4:45 p.m. the high school students, along with floats, lined up to begin their route through Lakewood. At 5 p.m. the parade participants were off to make their way up Abrams, across La Vista and Gaston and down Paulus back to the school where a cookout and pep rally took place immediately afterward.

While the students looked like they were having enough fun throwing beads and waving to the crowd, it wouldn’t have been a parade without those spectators. Families, and more specifically the younger children, looked to be enjoying themselves and enjoying the candy getting tossed out.

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And though the parade route had been changed from last year, there was still the usual traffic that seems to be a part of the event each time it takes place. Abrams, Gaston and La Vista were all backed up as motorists patiently waited for the parade to pass.

Even though the parade is over homecoming isn’t. The homecoming football game against the North Dallas Bulldogs takes place at 7:30 p.m. at Franklin Field tomorrow for a perfect end to the work (or school) week.