September 2006 Advocate cover

September 2006 Advocate cover

In September 2006 our cover story was all about neighborhood residents who work the ickiest jobs — in our East Dallas edition, that included an aquarium curator at the Dallas Zoo, whose yuckiest day on the job included the discovery of a rotten sea turtle. “A university shipped a dead sea turtle to the Texas State Aquarium, and the box somehow ended up underneath the building, which is elevated off the ground in case of hurricanes. The ice keeping the carcass frozen had melted, creating a putrid stench. ‘You could smell it up into the aquarium itself, and another guy and I had to go down and take care of it,’ Conricote says. Some of the melted water ended up on his shoes, and he had to throw them away. ‘It was the rankest smell ever,’ he recalls.”

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The story also features a paramedic and a pet-waste remover.

Us editors discussed this story, which you can read in full here, at our last meeting, and we’ve decided we might do a 2016 version — do you have a horrible, weird or disgusting-job story you’d like to share? If so, email us at