I didn’t feel like staying up last night until the end of the Dallas Mavericks game against Denver, so when I woke up this morning and grabbed the Morning News off my porch (thank you, Mr. Carden) to find out what happened, here’s what I discovered: With 31.4 seconds remaining in the 4th quarter, the Mavs were leading by four points.

That was it, other than a sentence directing me to the DMN website to learn the final score.

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I understand printing and delivery deadlines, and I understand the News is refashioning how it goes about doing its business, but it sure seems odd to me — as a 20-plus-year subscriber — that the paper held its deadline until 31.4 seconds were left in the game, but couldn’t wait a couple of additional minutes to give home subscribers the final score?

By the way, the Mavs won 119-117.