A friend moving to New York was cleaning out his garage on Sunday, and he stopped by with some things he had been saving for more than 25 years. One of the things he brought by was an April 1981 copy of D magazine. While flipping through it, I ran across a few photos of historical significance in Dallas, and I thought I’d share them here. Look closely, and you’ll see a shot of a young Dale Hanson, now of Channel 8 sports fame, but back then a member of the Channel 4/CBS sports crew; Dale wore a tie and a full head of hair back then. Also, you’ll see a picture of Channel 8’s news crew in 1981: Tracy Rowlett (now with Channel 11), Iola Johnson (last heard on the radio, I think), Verne Lundquist (a national sports guy on ABC now, I think), and the ever-present Troy Dungan (still with a bow-tie, although a little less flashy one than he usually wears now). And finally, there’s an advertisement for NorthPark Center: Same message as today ("the last word in fashion") but a little different delivery. There’s no particular neighborhood link to any of this; it’s just a little bit of Dallas history that some of us have actually lived through. I’ve included download links in case you want to forward any or all of these to someone else…

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