Screen Shot 2013-08-18 at 3.16.14 PMThere was a fatal stabbing outside Kush Mediterranean Grill on Lower Greenville late Friday night near closing time, according to a crime alert by the Lower Greenville Neighborhood Association.

A fight broke out and the victim stepped in to try to stop the fight, the report says. The two men who were fighting turned on him. One held him back while the other stabbed him repeatedly. A police report identified the victim as 26-year-old Dallas resident Terrell Evan Cowherd, a young professional man who had recently moved to Dallas.

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Jerry Brown, 23, the man who held Cowherd as he was being stabbed has been arrested on the charge of murder, the Dallas Morning News reported.

For most of the weekend, police were still searching for the other suspect, but the News later reported that police identified the suspect as Julian Terence Martin, Jr., 23.

A family friend recognized Martin as the shirtless man in the video released by police (the video is attached below), the news said. After police identified Martin as a suspect, he turned himself in at 2 p.m. Sunday.