Car crash at Gaston and La Vista on Feb. 7, 2023. Photo by Renee Umsted.

Update (4:42 p.m.): The second car involved in the crash has been moved onto the tow truck. The police vehicle that was blocking the right lane of Gaston Avenue has pulled out of the lane. No lanes of traffic are blocked.

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Update (4:37 p.m.): A tow truck has just arrived, with one car involved in the crash still at the scene, though pulled into a parking space in front of Starbucks. A driver pulled the car out of the space and drove it close to the rear of the tow truck. 

Update (4:04 p.m.): Both cars involved in the crash have been moved out of the intersection. One police car is still parked at the intersection in the right lane of Gaston Avenue near Starbucks.

Update (3:56 p.m. Feb. 7): Cars traveling on Gaston Avenue are able to go straight through the intersection, headed toward Whole Foods. One vehicle involved in the crash has been moved onto the tow truck.

Update (3:48 p.m. Feb 7): A tow truck has just arrived at the scene. 

Update (3:43 p.m. Feb. 7): Cars heading east on La Vista are turning left onto Gaston Avenue. Dallas Fire Rescue has left the intersection, and two police cars remain. 

A car crash that occurred Tuesday afternoon at Gaston Avenue and La Vista is blocking traffic.

Dallas Fire Rescue and the Dallas Police Department have responded to the site, right by Starbucks, but it might be best to avoid the intersection if possible. Traffic on Gaston Avenue headed toward Whole Foods is blocked at the intersection for the time being.

Also, if you’re heading east on La Vista, you’ll have to turn right or left onto Gaston. Traffic is not able to go straight through the intersection toward Abrams.

Vehicles headed west on La Vista are able to turn right onto Gaston.

No one appears to be injured.