Oh well, there are better ways to get this or other classics.

The last of Blockbuster’s stores close Friday, Dec. 6.

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The lone wolf in the area was the Greenville-Lovers store, which though it is close to our neighborhood, I will not miss.

The last time I went to Blockbuster — in a building that currently is put to much better use serving alcohol and perfecting the tater tot — I asked for Close Encounters of the Third Kind and was met with a blank stare from the clerk. “Close encounter … what?” I saw his blank stare with my own. That was the last straw.

To be fair, I have some fond memories of Blockbuster from the old days. But a video rental store is a novelty now. Like a record store. And those types of places only work if the employees are connoisseurs of the product.

The good news for residents of Lakewood, Lake Highlands, the general upper Greenville area who still need DVDs, you have both Premiere Video, whose employees are connoisseurs of the product, and Movie Trading Company.