[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2pdS98N6Y4[/youtube]You wouldn’t know it driving by Lakewood Elementary School at 3000 Hillbrook, but just behind the soccer field and down the hill by a relatively hidden creek, you’ll find a virtual nature preserve that is part of the school’s curriculum.

The school’s Lakewood Outdoor Learning Area (LOLA) is thriving again under the direction of parent Ann Willis-Brown and a host of other volunteers. The school hosted an open house Thursday featuring birds of prey, turtles and other natural inhabitants of the creek, and an estimated 400 neighbors, parents and children turned out.

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Advocate photographer Ben Hager was there to capture the event on video, and you’ll be surprised to learn how hospitable the outdoor space has been made by the Lakewood volunteers, even to the point of building a ramp allowing handicapped accessibility to the area.