East Dallas neighbor Erin Moore has announced her candidacy for the District 9 seat on the Dallas City Council.

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Moore, executive assistant to Dallas County Commissioner Theresa Daniel, wrote in a Facebook post Feb. 4 that she would run for the seat vacated by Councilman Mark Clayton. Clayton said in January he will not seek re-election so he can spend more time with his family.

As a 27-year resident of East Dallas, Moore has held leadership roles in the Stonewall Democrats of Dallas, the Texas Stonewall Democrats and the National Stonewall Democrats Leadership Council. Stonewall Democrats groups help elect pro-LGBT candidates and lobby for LGBT issues on the local, state and federal level.

“What we need now is a fighter and advocate for every neighborhood and every neighbor,” Moore wrote in her announcement on Facebook. “I have fought for underrepresented and ignored populations for most of my life, and I want to continue this necessary work on the Dallas City Council.”

If elected, Moore would focus on preserving White Rock Lake and helping the district’s homeless population. She would also fight for more transparency in government.

“The future of our district requires more oversight of our hard-earned tax dollars,” Moore wrote.

Moore will face community activist Sarah Lamb, the former chief of staff for Mayor Mike Rawlings Paula Blackmon and former Dallas Park and Recreation Board member Paul Sims in the May 4 election.