Let’s see, we have the war in Iraq, electricity deregulation in the Legislature and a City Council election on Saturday. So what was one of the lead stories on Channel 5 this morning? Wild dogs in the M Streets!

Attacking cats! Frightening residents! Causing concern! (TV talking heads, of course, speak in exclamation points). I was going to link to the story, but I couldn’t find it. So here‘s a piece the station did last June about the same thing, more or less, around Royal and Greenville. You’ll get the idea.

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This is not to belittle the problem, of course. Anyone who has lived in this part of town has dealt with strays, and with animal control’s inability to do much about it given its lack of resources, lack of employees, and the like. Aren’t we still waiting on the new animal shelter, which voters approved in 1998, to be completed?