Just when one thought the next City Council would be incredibly dull and boring — no Laura Miller, no Bill Blaydes, and some middle-aged Anglo establishment male elected mayor — the legendary Al Lipscomb has thrown his hat in the ring. "I’m 81 — so what? If I had my feet, I’d be trying out for the Cowboys," he said. "You should be happy to have someone like me, with my experience. If you don’t have age, what do you have? I can focus in on saving the city."

Lipscomb, regardless of what one thinks of him (and a lot of people think a lot, both good and bad), is not dull. I’m eagerly anticipating the first time he and Mitch Rasansky, assuming each gets elected in May, have a shouting match at a Council meeting. Won’t that look great on TV? Won’t the city fathers wring their hands and worry about our reputation in other cities?

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