Eleven questions at the White Rock East Coalition candidate forum. Ten at the Ferguson Road Initiative forum. Many more to come this week at the Lakewood and Lakewood Trails neighborhood association forums.

But while the five District 9 candidates were still a bit green, before they had fully launched into forum mode, they sat down with us and our lovely borrowed fern to answer several questions that quickly reveal their policy stances, personality types and pie-in-the-sky hopes and dreams. (View all 10 videos of the five candidates here.)

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Our fourth candidate, in May 9 ballot order, is Sam Merten, who wants to make Garland Road more walkable and bikeable, and wishes he could go back in time to make at least one tall building along the thoroughfare shorter. Merten, like every other District 9 candidate, supports the Garland Road Vision approved in 2011, and has used its shelved-and-dusty status as another opportunity to point out that he “won’t be Sheffie 2.0.”

Read all of our 2015 election coverage here.