city_hall1• Former mayor Ron Kirk is returning to Dallas after he leaves the Obama administration next month, where he has been the U.S. trade representative. When will the rumors start that he wants his old job back? Or is considering a run for Texas governor? Could that be why Mayor Rawlings has so much campaign money on hand?

• Someone at The Morning News has a sense of irony. How about this post on its Scoop blog reminiscing about poll taxes, which were used to stop people who weren’t white from voting? The practice was eventually prohibited by a constitutional amendment and 1966 Supreme Court decision, though it ended in Texas a couple of years before that.

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• Rudy Bush at the News offers a pre-season look at May’s council elections, handicapping each of the 14 races. What does it mean that no one, apparently, wants to run for the council in Pleasant Grove? And could we have any more candidates for Angela Hunt’s M Streets seat?