Mardi Gras Oak Cliff starts Saturday night with OCarnivale, a masquerade ball featuring the Rebel Alliance Jazz Band. Tickets are $40.

Don’t party too hard, though, because the inaugural Dash for the Beads 5K starts at 9 a.m. Sunday in the Bishop Arts District.

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This year’s Mardi Gras parade starts at 2 p.m., and it’s bigger and better than last year.

What could be hotter than Mardi Gras? The Dallas Burlesque Festival hits the Texas Theatre for 9 p.m. shows Friday and Saturday. Tickets are $15.

From the Ends of the Earth has moved to a new retail space on Davis. Their grand reopening from 4-8 p.m. includes chair massages, Afircan cooking demonstrations, flamenco dancers, food and beverages.