It took almost a week, but Dallas’ Only Daily Newspaper has finally been heard from. Its reaction to the 80,000 signatures TrinityVote collected to get the toll road on the November ballot?

Those of us who signed the petition were lied to!

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I’d analyze the editorial in this morning’s edition in its entirety, but that would make my head hurt too much. Suffice it to say, it requires a tremendous amount of chutzpah for The News to write that "some opponents of the tollway are twisting the truth." My other favorite? "But at its core, the project would provide needed flood control." Talk about pretzel logic. I could have sworn that just a couple of weeks ago, we needed the toll road to relieve congestion in the Mixmaster.

So much for The News accepting its defeat graciously. What bothers me the most though, is its total and complete inability to see which way the wind is blowing. Some 80,000 people signed the petition, which is 20 percent of the paper’s circulation. That’s a stunning number, which The News is apparently unable to comprehend. Maybe, if a couple of hundred thousand people vote to change the toll road, they’ll finally figure it out.

Especially relevant: Robert Wilonsky at the Observer is hot on The News’ beat, and those of us who are normally dismissed as aginers (as in, "we’re agin everything") have some supporters at the country’s most prestigous journalism magazine.