Want to keep track of neighborhood goings on? Then the city wants you to go to its YouTube site, where it says: "Want to know what’s really happening in the City of Dallas, Texas? You’ve come to the right place."

One of the current headliners is Lakewood city councilman Sheffie Kadane, in "Dallas Delivers: District 9 Update." You can find the 9 minute video after the jump. Kadane’s guests are police Lt. Mike Woodbury, discussing community policing, and the DISD’s Jack Lowe, talking about the district’s bond program.

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Interestingly, there is no District 14 Update, starring Angela Hunt. I’m sure there is a legitimate reason that has absolutely nothing to do with any conspiracy. In all, there are 52 videos on the site, ranging from council member chat shows to pet of the week to Trinity Project updates. And I think my feelings are hurt. Do the city PR types think we don’t tell Lakewood and East Dallas residents what’s going on the neighborhood?