I happened to catch public comments on the municipal budget at the City Council meeting today. Most of the speakers were there because they’re worried the city might close or reduce hours at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, which offers medical and dental care for low-income residents, including the elderly. Others noted that a severe cutback in hours at the city’s recreation centers could impact school children. Without rec centers, they’re more likely to get inovlved with drug use, gangs and other unsavory activites. The city’s budget for HIV/AIDS services is about $325,000, and that’s on the chopping block as part of an effort to cut some $200 million. Without those services, neighbors argued, the city and county could be picking up much more expensive medical bills. Mayor Tom Leppert said the city is applying for federal grants to pay for those services, which include meal deliveries for people who are too sick to leave their homes.

District 14 City Council Member Angela Hunt called the budget cuts "absolutely horrible." The city is determined to keep recreation centers open as much as possible, and is planning at least to keep them open on weekdays from 2:30-6 p.m so that kids will have something to do after school. "I hope no one leaves here thinking we take this lightly because this is giving me ulcers," Hunt said.

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