The weekend ended badly for Dallasites (thanks, Alex Barron) and the week promises to be hot, muggy and, for most of us, hectic with many instances of driving in traffic.

But I see relief in our future.

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Ahh, yes. The School of Metaphysics, 5832 Live Oak, is hosting a day of “tranquility, harmony, spirituality and kindness” complete with chair massages, dream interpretation, music, snacks, lectures and energy healing, Saturday, Sept. 18 from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Plus, knock out future stress by getting some holiday shopping done early — the Wellness Boutique, open throughout the FREE wellness event, features unique handmade items such as meditation benches and blankets, soaps, and teas.  For more information call Dallas School of Metaphysics at 214.821.5406.

Saturday’s Lecture schedule: Memory and Visualization 10 a.m., What Are Behind Those Emotions 11 a.m., Supermarket Chinese Medicine noon, and Yoga 1 p.m.