Days ago a power-tripping Dallas cop detained former Bishop Lynch running back Ryan Moats and his wife, Tamishia, as Tamishia’s mom lay dying in a hospital room just feet away. By now you’ve likely heard the story.

I just listened to the recently released audio, and it got the blood boiling, to say the least. You can hear the whole thing on You Tube and I’ll post part of it after the jump.

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Yes, I’m angry as are a lot of people, but there are a couple things about this story that make me happy: First of all, I am extremely glad for the dashboard camera to record these types of incidents. Too bad, because of guys like Robert Powell, police and others in a position of power need to constantly be held accountable and monitored. I hope this officer is humiliated when he hears the way he sounds and the way he treated these people. I hope he hears the outrage of the community concerning his perfect example of misuse of power.

I am also in awe and admiration of Moats’ self control — despite the fact that the cop repeated over and over the things that HE had the authority to do to make Moats and his family suffer (not to mention pulling a gun on his family), NOT ONCE does Moats mention that he’s an NFL player or indicate that he’s in any way special, that is, other than trying to explain to the cop that he rolled through the red light to get to his dying family member, who took her last breaths during the 17 minutes he was being held.   

Kudos to Kunkle for issuing an apology — hopefully it will keep the peace because this is the type of thing that can really get the public stirred up.