The Pre-Geneva Association has partnered with the Geneva Heights PTA on a cool new fundraiser to raise money for teacher stipends and special staff to enrich students’ classroom experience.

A few brave neighbors jumped into frigid water last week when temperatures in Dallas plummeted below freezing for Pre-Geneva’s inaugural Polar Plunge.

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The fundraiser works like this: Neighbors pay $25 to Pre-Geneva to nominate friends and family to take the plunge. The “plungee” then films his or her dive as proof and posts it to social media using the hashtag #PreGPolarPlunge2021. If you’d rather not turn into an icicle, make a donation to help fill the pot to get Principal Michael Ruiz, coach Luke mergerson and third-grade teacher Allison Sikes to take the plunge.

Since launching Feb. 1, Pre-Geneva met its $2,000 goal and created a stretch goal of $2,500 to raise money for a few local charities impacted by the winter storm. Pre-G members can vote on which organizations receive the funds via Facebook.

There’s still time to take the plunge. The event was scheduled to conclude Feb. 28, but the deadline has been extended to early March. Break out your swim caps and goggles and take advantage of this warmer weather. The forecast calls for rain, but what’s a few more drops when you’ll already be getting wet?

Anyone can participate, not just the Pre-G and Geneva Heights community.

Watch more videos here.