Unlike the walkway inside the Penne Pomodoro, which is difficult to find and use, the new breezeway is fully accessible from the outside.

Unlike the walkway inside the Penne Pomodoro, which is difficult to find and use, the new breezeway is fully accessible from the outside.

The breezeway connects the front of Lakewood Shopping Center to the back.

The breezeway connects the front of Lakewood Shopping Center to the back.

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Lincoln Property Co. has been doing an overhaul on Lakewood Shopping Center for the last few months, and it looks like it’s coming right along.

While it’s sad to see Lincoln pushing old tenants out to make room for new ones (at least, it’s sad for us sentimental types), and of course there’s differing opinions about the new tenants they’ve chosen, it’s hard to deny the new breezeway, which connects the front of the shopping center to the back, is a nice addition. If you’ve ever tried to use the so-called “walkway” inside Penne Pomodoro, you know what I mean. Aside from it being almost nonexistent, it’s awkward to use because it goes straight through the restaurant. At first I thought Lincoln was building a similar breezeway inside the new Liberty Burger, so it’s nice to see the breezeway is an entirely separate element next door.

Liberty Burger is coming soon to Lakewood Shopping Center. Co-owner Mariel Street hopes Lincoln will be finished with their part of the construction sometime in September so she can begin her part.

Liberty Burger is coming soon to Lakewood Shopping Center. Co-owner Mariel Street hopes Lincoln will be finished with their part of the construction sometime in September so she can begin her part.

Looks like construction for the project started right on time, so there’s a good possibility Lincoln will be done with their share of the construction in the next couple of months, and then Liberty Burger co-owner Mariel Street can start her part of personalizing the property.

Once that begins, we should be able to tell if Street has managed to make it “very Lakewood,” which is what she says she hopes to do. There will be a patio in the back, which is a good start.

At this point, we still haven’t heard who will be occupying the space next door.