For The Love of The Lake helps organize weekend cleanups throughout all of White Rock Lake. Designated sections ran by local businesses and organizations report their results and schedules to FTLOTL. The second Saturday of each month is the most populated time for the collective morning cleanups. (Photo by Rasy Ran)

Photo by Rasy Ran.

Madeline Bracken has spent several days over the past two months cleaning up White Rock Lake Park. In March alone, she and her friends have collected more than 1,300 pounds of litter from the lake. That includes a child’s motorcycle, tires, furniture, suitcases and shopping carts, among other things.

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Bracken, who moved to Dallas less than a year ago, wants to raise awareness of the litter plaguing the park and the critters that live there.

To do it, she’s holding a photo contest, inviting people to share photos of litter that’s affecting the environment.

Photos should be uploaded here by Earth Day, April 22. The same link can be used to vote for photos by giving hearts to them. If not enough people vote, a panel of five volunteers who have been helping Bracken with the clean-up events will choose the winning photos.

The winner will receive $150, and the runner-up will receive $100.

Ultimately, Bracken said she wants to publish the photos in a book.

She runs social media accounts as The Trashy Texan, and it’s her goal to pick up 1 million pieces of garbage.

Volunteers are welcome to join Bracken and help clean up White Rock Lake. They meet Mondays. Check The Trashy Texan accounts on Instagram or Facebook to find more information. (This is not to be confused with For The Love of The Lake’s Second Saturday Shoreline Spruce Ups.)

Don’t forget: White Rock Lake Conservancy is also having a photo contest.