An East Dallas resident has reportedly come down with West Nile, a virus carried by Mosquitos. The city will spray for mosquitos tonight beginning at 10 p.m. within the following boundaries:

Carroll Ave., R.L. Thornton Fwy., Garland Ave., Graham Ave./Beacon St., Abrams Rd., Fulton St., Junius St., Beacon St., Swiss Ave., Fitzhugh Ave., Gaston Ave. back to Carroll Ave.

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More information about the process from District 14 Angela Hunt after the jump . . .

… mosquito control spraying is scheduled to begin at 10 p.m. on Tuesday night (Sept. 2) and conclude at 3 a.m. on Wednesday morning (Sept. 3).

While the insecticide is considered safe, residents in the above areas should avoid contact with the spray by staying indoors. Persons inside a vehicle while trucks are actively spraying should remain in their vehicles with the windows up and the air conditioner on until the trucks pass and the spray is no longer visible. Persons out when spraying is to take place should be alert for trucks and should not follow them. Residents who come in contact with the spray are advised to wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water. The spray breaks down quickly in the presence of sunlight and has no residual effect. Fish ponds should be protected and pets should be brought inside during the spraying period.

Prevent mosquito breeding. Residents should eliminate standing water to prevent mosquito breeding and the spread of West Nile Virus. Breeding places for mosquitoes include swimming pools that are not kept clean, stagnant ponds, pet watering dishes, birdbaths, potted plants, old tires, empty containers, French drains and clogged rain gutters. Standing water should be eliminated promptly, as mosquitoes can grow from egg to adult in as little as seven days.

To report standing water or mosquito problems Dallas residents should call 3-1-1.
