Chicago Hot Dog is gone, but Latin Deli promises food and fun.

When the little eatery in the southeast corner shopping strip at Northwest and Abrams was last open, it was mostly known as Chicago Hot Dog, and, as hot dogs go, it was well received.

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The name on the door, even under the big yellow “Chicago Hot Dog” sign, remained Eddie’s Deli. (That’s also how the property is listed, even now, on Dallas Central Appraisal District website).

Whatever it’s official name, the place closed months ago.

Now it appears a new concept called Latin Deli will take its place. The sign, in lime green and orange reads “LATIN DELi Eat, Laugh & Live” (I’m telling you this because I took a pic, but my camera has failed me).

Another sign on the door indicates it will specialize in coffee, breakfast and sandwiches.

As I learn more, I’ll bring you updates.