This weekend the Ultra Centric Experience — an event in which participants vie to run the farthest in a period of 24 hours — will take place in Grapevine, and one of our neighborhood’s own will partake …

Steve Lucas (Woodrow ’79), an ultra-marathon runner/walker who recently completed six marathons in six months, will run (“or walk or crawl,” he says) from 9 a.m. Saturday until 9 a.m. Sunday.

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Why? He’s doing it for the band.

Woodrow Wilson High School‘s band director Chris Walls and booster Kellie Hardy are collecting pledges, to be paid post-event, for each mile Steve can throw down. So for example, you could pledge a dollar a mile or 50 cents a mile — whatever you think you can handle. Send your contact info and pledge to And just so you know what you are getting into, Steve, whose daughter Sarah now attends Woodrow, aims to run about 53 miles (or he’ll be disappointed, he says).

OK, that’s two marathons in one day — what a guy.