Several tables and chairs on the back patio of Lake House Bar and Grill.

Lake House Bar and Grill will host the fall’s first Pub Run. (Provided)

The monthly Dallas Pub Run is making its way to White Rock Lake next Thursday after a summertime hiatus.

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The Pub Run features a different bar or brewery every month. This month’s Pub Run is hosted by Lake House Bar and Grill, which is located at 7510 E. Northwest Highway on the north shore of White Rock Lake. Neighbor John Schmitz founded the spot in 2013.

Each run is three miles long — participants can walk or jog if they so prefer — and the course ends at that month’s selected location, where free beer and food specials await. The last Pub Run occurred on May 22 before the series took a break so runners could avoid the summer heat.

If you’re interested in participating in Thursday’s Pub Run, you can sign up online here.