Photo by Mario Leal Photography. Provided by Kendra Madison.

Kendra Madison will be the sole challenger to incumbent Paula Blackmon in the race for the District 9 City Council post.

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Raised in Waco, Madison, 47, often traveled to Dallas to visit grandparents. After graduation from Sam Houston State University, Madison pursued a career in human resources, nonprofits and marketing. She made Dallas her permanent home eight years ago and resides in the Village.

Madison is new to Dallas politics but has served on staff at the Alzheimer’s Association and National Multiple Sclerosis Society and in volunteer capacities at the Junior League, Vogel Alcove, University Park UMC, Munger Place UMC and the American Institute of Architects.

The pandemic gave Madison some time to think about how her skill set could benefit her new hometown. Seeing more crime in her neighborhood and more homelessness during her trail runs, Madison believes her HR experience could assist in police officer recruitment, and her nonprofit experience could support better solutions to solve Dallas’ homelessness crisis.

“When I’m out talking to people, crime seems to be connecting all of us. I’ve had people talk about gunshots around Easton, street racing on Jupiter and stolen catalytic converters,” Madison said.

She also said she wants to increase transparency of the city’s finances.

“I decided to run for city council to create solutions for the city’s most pressing issues using a fresh way of thinking,” she said.

Madison is running a “one gal” campaign, and in her campaign filing, she names herself as treasurer. To get the word out, Madison has been block walking and putting out signs. Mailers and digital media will follow.

“I love Dallas, but I love it too much to accept things as they currently are,” she said.

There has only been one dual appearance with Blackmon to discuss city issues. Madison and Blackmon were guests at last week’s meeting of the White Rock Lake Task Force.

Early voting for the city council election begins April 24. The general election is May 6.