More than 200 candidates have sent in applications to be the next principal at Woodrow Wilson High School. That’s what happens when you’re Dallas ISD’s top comprehensive high school in an attractive area of Dallas, Tracie Fraley told a room full of stakeholders at a recent meeting in Woodrow’s cafeteria.

Fraley, the executive director of the Woodrow Wilson feeder pattern, also told the audience of roughly 75 teachers, students, and community members that the goal is to have a principal in place by the time the school year ends. Current principal Kyle Richardson is retiring at the end of this semester.

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The audience was invited to add their thoughts to chart paper on the cafeteria walls with headers such as “Communication” and “Managerial Courage.” This textbook pedagogy was passed over in favor of  individual surveys, on which audience members gave plenty of feedback.

“[I] would like to see the academies at Woodrow use more cohorts to improve cross-disciplinary curriculum,” wrote Daniel Garrison, an engineering teacher at Woodrow. “That way the STEM English teacher can better support what is happening in Aerospace Engineering and Physics, and vice versa.”

Russ Kelemen, the school’s yearbook sponsor, and photography and health teacher, says he “hopes to have a great communicator” at the helm moving forward.

The timeline for hiring the new principal includes a “Meet and Greet” on June 3, the last day teachers will report for duty before summer break.