Hot cocoa stand on Prospect Avenue

The hot cocoa stand run by the Mata family is set up on Prospect Avenue. Photography by Renee Umsted.

A hot cocoa stand operated by neighbors in their front yard has returned.

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Mariel and Stephen Mata started serving the warm beverage from a handmade stand in the front of their property on the 6000 block of Prospect Avenue last year.

They told the Advocate at the time that they had built the stand as a decoration years ago, but last year was the first year that they made it functional.

Free hot chocolate is available 5-7 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday from Dec. 1-22. Toppings are available for kids, and boozy additions are there for adults.

Neighbors are invited to bring their families and pets and socialize with each other. Last year, Mariel Mata said the stand facilitated introductions to other neighbors on Prospect she and Stephen hadn’t met before.

We’re keeping track of other festive happenings in our neighborhood. Coming up this weekend, there’s a toy drive in Lakewood and a tree lighting at Lakewood Shopping Center.