And our Keri Mitchell was there (her photos are here):

For the third annual Hillside Fourth of July kids parade, neighbors made it bigger and better than ever. The morning started with a breakfast of pancakes (some with fresh blueberries), bacon, sausage and watermelon cooked and sliced fresh by Hillside neighbor and gourmet caterer Jennifer Kimberly (maybe you read the story on her husband and cook-off champion, Brian, in July’s Advocate?).   

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The entire neighborhood was invited to the breakfast, as were local police officers, fire fighters and dignitaries, such as neighborhood Councilman Sheffie Kadane, who spent the morning shaking hands and taking photos. The scene provided dozens of picturesque moments — not a bike went un-streamered nor a wagon un-bowed, and flags waved all over the front lawn of Kate Kettles, Hillside Neighborhood Association president, whose yard was the starting and ending point for the parade.